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Introducing the Updated TOMAR 2795-2-BCN-AR Dual STROBESWITCH™ with Beacon
TOMAR has enhanced the 2795-2 Dual STROBESWITCH™ Assembly by adding a high-visibility red or amber LED beacon. This compact, cost-effective dual detector system is designed to provide fast, reliable access control for emergency responders while simultaneously offering a visual warning signal for bystanders and personnel.
TOMAR’s STROBECOM II™ Keeps Attention and Focus on the Roadway for First Responders
TOMAR's Strobeswitch: Enhancing Emergency Response Efficiency
Enhancing Road Safety: TOMAR Traffic New Distributors for Traffic Safety
TOMAR is excited to announce partnerships with two new distributors who will offer TOMAR’s STROBECOM II and Strobeswitch Traffic Solutions – Advanced Traffic Products and Clark Transportation Solutions Amongst their suite of solutions