4080V2DC STROBECOM II Optical Signal Processors *Direct Current Config – TOMAR Traffic

4080V2DC STROBECOM II Optical Signal Processors *Direct Current Configuration

  • An Envelope of Safety® Product
  • INTEGRATED CONFIRMATION technology, the 4080V2DC-2 and 4080V2DC-4 powers and controls the high intensity LED confirmation lights integrated into up to four 4000 series IC enabled detectors
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Installed inside the traffic cabinet, the 4080V2DC Series Optical Signal Processor (OSP) provides power for 4000 Series optical detectors from Direct Current.  The OSP receives, decodes, and prioritizes emitter signals from the detectors and powers/activates Integrated Confirmation lights when equipped with appropriate Detectors.

Who has priority or right of way?

If multiple vehicles are being received, they are prioritized to determine which vehicle should be given the right of way. If vehicles are of equal priority, right of way is given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Integrated Confirmation™ with True Confirmation™

TOMAR's Integrated Confirmation™ (IC) is an industry first, setting a new standard for reliable visual confirmation to further increase safety, lower response times, and streamline installations. A high-power white or blue LED attached to the optical detector receives power via the standard TOMAR M913 EVP detector cable and TOMAR Optical Signal Processor (OSP). This means no additional cable pulls through congested conduits, use of load switches, or added power supplies are needed to provide confirmation lights and visual feedback. True Confirmation™ is the only preemption system that provides real, closed-loop, visual feedback to vehicle drivers that the intersection is in preemption mode - not just that the vehicle is detected.

  • Provides real-time visual feedback to emergency and transit vehicle operators without the need to take their eyes off the roadway by flashing or steady-burn LEDs - This could help reduce collisions between emergency vehicles when two are approaching the same intersection at the same time
  • Provides visual notification to public motorists regarding a preemption event happening


  • 4080V2DC-2 - Two channel Optical Signal Processor with Integrated Confirmation™ for Direct Current
  • 4080V2DC-4 - Four channel Optical Signal Processor with Integrated Confirmation™ for Direct Current


  • Integrated Confirmation™ technology powers IC-enabled 4000 series TOMAR STROBECOM II™ detectors to be powered and controlled over the standard M913 preemption detector cable. No additional power supplies, mounting, programming, or wiring required.
  • True Confirmation™, when combined with Integrated Confirmation™, is the only preemption system that provides real, closed-loop, visual feedback to vehicle drivers that the intersection is in preempt.
  • Active Reflection Suppression prevents cross street preemption due to reflected emitter energy. TOMAR’s advanced digital signal processing eliminates this troublesome side effect, making detector installation and setup far less critical.
  • PLUG-and-PLAY firmware allows the addition of detectors and other accessories to the system without manual configuration. Buy only the equipment needed today and add more capability later, saving precious funds.
  • Expansion Port provides easy connection of the 4080V2DC Series to other accessory modules.


  • Signal: The 4080V2DC shall be capable of receiving, decoding, and prioritizing the Emergency band and Transit band signals transmitted by all TOMAR and competitive emitters. The 4080V2DC shall be jumper configurable to accept or reject older non-identifying optical signals. Up to 65,000 vehicles in each signal band shall be individually identifiable
  • Signal Acquisition Time: Typical signal acquisition time shall be approximately 2.5 seconds. Acquisition time will vary depending on the number of signals present simultaneously and on the density of optical noise.
  • Compatibility: All TOMAR 2000 and 4000 Series Detectors; All TOMAR and Opticom* IR LED and Strobe Emitters
  • Range: 2500+ feet adjustable down to 200 feet in 255 steps for each signal band and each approach.
  • Priority Determination: The 4080V2DC shall be delivered with default priority grouping, responding on a first-come, first-served basis to signals within each signal band. Signals in the Emergency signal band shall be given priority over signals in the transit signal band. Using configuration jumpers, the user can enable or disable certain signal types, modify transit priority, configure the confirmation light patterns, and enable or disable True Confirmation operations
  • Output Signals: The 4080V2DC shall provide four optically-isolated output channels for placing NEMA standard signal level calls on traffic controller preempt inputs.
  • Input Signals: The 4080V2DC shall have four optically-isolated inputs for connecting to traffic controller preempt status outputs.
  • Confirmation Lights: The 4080V2DC shall be capable of powering and operating up to four TOMAR 4000 series Integrated Confirmation™ (IC) enabled detectors over up to 600’ of preemption detector cable per IC enabled detector.
  • Maximum Detectors: Up to two 4000 series IC enabled detectors (maximum of four LED confirmation lights total) plus four additional non-IC enabled detectors
  • Electrical Requirements: 24 VDC
  • Temperature Range: -40 to +75 degrees C
  • Transient Protection: Detector inputs shall be TVS protected from electrical transients.
  • Fusing: A 2 amp fuse shall be included in the input power connection to protect cabinet wiring
  • The 4080 Family OSP is compatible with NEMA TS-1, TS-2, and CA/NY 170, and 2070 controllers and meets all NEMA and CalTrans environmental requirements.


10 year warranty covers the 4080V2DC Series and all STROBECOM II components. Unlike other manufacturers, TOMAR’s ten year warranty has NO fees or charges for warranty repairs after five years.

*Global Traffic Technologies, GTT, and Opticom are trademarks of Miovision Technologies Incorporated and not affiliated with TOMAR Electronics Inc.


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